Over the last week I have experienced (quite dramatically so stick with me here) the worst week of my life. It all started two weeks ago when my youngest son threw up in his oatmeal, followed by my oldest daughter throwing up in the middle of the aisle at Sams Club (to which I finished my shopping anyway thankyouverymuch my mother of the year award is on it’s way in the mail). But the very worst of it all started last Sunday when my daughter threw up and we stayed home instead of going to an annual family brunch. I was disappointed, but didn’t think to much of it because I was hopeful everyone would be better.
Come Monday morning, I began to feel very crappy and my oldest daughter threw up at breakfast at Toms Farms (to which we finished our meals anyway thankyouverymuch my mother of the year award is on it’s way in the mail), it was then that I had the sudden epiphany to go to the doctor to get checked out because I felt so crappy. I was diagnosed with strep throat, my husband went to the doctor as well and was diagnosed with strep throat and a nasty sinus infection. I took the kids to urgent care Monday night and that’s when shit hit the fan.
I had to postpone my annual Christmas party which is my absolute favorite event of the year and something I look forward to and plan for weeks and weeks. I was very sad.
By Wednesday everyone seemed to be better and we decorated gingerbread houses, baked cookies and made my grandmothers Christmas casserole.
Then Thursday, on Christmas – my favorite holiday of all time, my youngest son woke up sick again. Barfing, pale and weak. So I spent Christmas afternoon and evening alone with my very sick son and the baby because my husband and two oldest kids went to his parents without us. It was pathetic and I was devastated. I won’t point fingers here but lets just say some husband was in the doghouse for a very long time.
Come Friday we had to cancel going to Disney on Ice because I was weak and the kids were a mess. I just threw my hands up in the air in surrender.
Saturday, Sunday
On Saturday I refused to go to my husband’s work party (because eff that, doghouse boy) and we bunked up shelter trying to get healthy again for the rest of the weekend…until Sunday morning my youngest son woke up barfing again. So I rushed him to urgent care and low and behold he had a ear infection (with drainage!) and a bad sore throat. I picked up 50 bucks worth of meds. I thought to myself “this has GOT to be the last of it”.
You know, until I woke up on Monday morning barfing my brains out…the day that my annual Christmas party was postponed to.
The Best Gift
I texted all of my friends and let them know that we wouldn’t be able to attend the party. Then I fell asleep. When I woke up my husband said someone brought food and asked me who it was from. I had no idea, I was as perplexed as he was. But there I saw two very large trays of lemon rosemary chicken, garlic roasted squash and carrots and homemade raisin nut bread. I checked my phone and low and behold my dear, dear friend Tomo had made us dinner because she knew that we were very sick and that I was very sad.
I have to say that despite the very worst week of my life, Tomo was a beacon of light in the darkness and she single-handedly made my spirits lift. I pray that she knows how much I appreciate her and her most delicious food.
At the end of it all, I do have to say that completely cutting out events and activities made for a very relaxed, very easy holiday week. I am thankful that this which in the very grand scheme of it all is quite minimal compared to what others have to go through, I am thankful that we are on the mend now (fingers crossed) and I am thankful that maybe one day….far off into the future this horrible week will make for a good story (to everyone but doghouse boy because he will never live that shit down).
What a dear sweet friend ! We all should be so blessed to have someone like that in our lives.
Here’s hoping that all the “sick” goes away and you ALL are feeling healthy and relaxed and happy.
Big Hugs.
P. S. Except “doghouse boy” that is (LOL?)
Wow. That sounds truly horrible. What a good friend you have!