I’ve recently come to realize that I window shop – via my iPhone when I’m stressed out. Call it a stress reliever, call it a mind escape, call it whatever, but it works. For me at least.
People always ask me “how I do it” how I manage to appear sane with 4 kids and I always answer the same: I eat, I drink and I shop. When I don’t have any money to spend, I window shop. I fill carts with products I’ll never buy, I plan extravagant events and renovations I’ll never have and I relieve tension and stress along the way.
I have also found myself window shopping into other peoples lives when I’m stressed and tense. Watching vicariously as they dress their children stylishly, go out to eat at fancy restaurants and show off their seemingly fabulous lives. You’d think that would be more depressing and add to my stress instead of relieving it, but it does the opposite. I bank the happy, I bank the beautiful and I bank the good for a later time. Besides, seeing my friends happy makes me happy.
This week’s wordless Wednesday theme is “window shopping”. Here is a collection of a very small few of my favorite window shopping products I’ve recently come across.
From Top:
I’m Famous On My Blog Coffee Mug (something I would totally buy for Kim)
Jennifer Ann Personalized Leggings and Blanket Combo Set (hands down my favorite window shopping item I’ve come across. I will be purchasing these for sure whenever I get a spare $100. Or if you’d like to buy them for me FEEL FREE)
Customized Peg Doll Family Wall Art (so quirky and cool)
Krazy Straws Personalized Straws (I’m getting these for the kids for Christmas stocking stuffers)
Jennifer Ann Personalized Blanket (I mean, babyhood could not be more gorgeous and it’s in this collage twice because I seriously love it that much)
How cute would I be in a pair of personalized leggings!?!?!?!
Totally! Me too and then we can go out on the town in them together!
That’s funny because as soon as I saw that mug I was like “ooh, that’s what I’ll get for her the next time I get her a present.”
Ha! Great minds…