I’m not sure when the change happened exactly. I’m not sure of the moment I became for…show. But it happened.
I’ve always made yummy food, well, it’s kind of why I’m fat. But it wasn’t until I joined instagram that I began styling my food to make it pretty.
Last Sunday I made French Toast for the kids and I. Nothing new, nothing strange. But I set it up, cut up fruit and took a picture of it.
That’s when my husband said: “ah, that’s why you made breakfast today, so you could take a picture of it and show everyone how good of a mom you are”.
He doesn’t say much too often. But when he does, he’s right.
I’ve become an instagrammer I hate.
Then go check out my pictures. I made pancakes last night and you can tell I styled nothing. See which looks better!
Uh, I choose styled!