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2020 Christmas Train Tickets Go on Sale November 2nd at 10am!
This year sure has been a doosey hasn’t it? Just like parents everywhere, I have been very apprehensive as the year progressed worried about what the holiday season would look like for our kids with social distancing in place. The Funny Fams most favorite holiday tradition is attending the annual Irvine Park Railroad Christmas Train. The kids, my husband and I look forward to it every year. It’s actually always the very first “Christmas” thing we do and it always sets the holiday season off just right for us. Thankfully, the Irvine Park Railroad Christmas Train is still running this year! With the current social distancing restrictions the Christmas Train is going to be a little different. Read more about the updates and changes!

The Irvine Park Railroad is a magical night ride through historic Irvine Regional Park to the “North Pole” where Santa and Mrs. Claus live. This year, passengers will remain seated on the train at the North Pole. Santa and Mrs. Clause will greet passengers from a safe distance as passengers remain seated.
What’s New In 2020
This year, visitors will be greeted by Santa and Mrs. Claus. There will be no photos with Santa (including sitting on his lap). This is for the safety of visitors as well as Santa, Mrs. Claus, and the staff. Masks and appropriate social distanced measured must be taken, the rules will be enforced.

The Details
Tickets are sold online only is specially marked time slots. Tickets do sell out every year and quickly! Make sure you grab yours before it is too late.
2020 Christmas Train Tickets Go on Sale November 2nd at 10am!
On the night that you will be riding the Christmas Train, you will get in line and board the train at any time during the hour for which you have tickets. The train will stop at the North Pole, all passengers will remain seated while Santa and Mrs. Clause greet passengers from a safe distance before heading back to the train station.

The Irvine Park Railroad Christmas Train Runs:
November 27 – December 23, 2020
10:00 am – 3:00 pm Hours: $17.00 per ticket
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Hours: $20.00 per ticket
(under 24 months FREE – does not require a ticket)
Activity Tickets: $6.00 each
Book of 15 activity tickets: $75.00 ($15.00 savings)
(activity tickets cannot be used to ride the Christmas Train)
Christmas Train Hours:
Weekdays 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Weekends 10:00 am – 9:00 pm

Despite the social distance measures that are being carefully and thoughtfully taken by the Irvine Park Railroad team, I am so enthralled that my Funny Fam will still have the opportunity to experience the magic of the railroad. There is quite nothing else like it and I hope that you and your family love it as much as we do.
Head over to Irvine Park Railroad for more important Christmas Train information.
Love that they are keeping the tradition alive !