Technically, today’s Wordless Wednesday linkup theme is “beach reading” but lets be honest, as a mom of 3 little kids the only thing I read at the beach are my kids every movement so they don’t drown, get stolen, get sucked up by the sand or generally die.
Tee and I have started a monthly blogging meetup with our friends to get out and be social in a less structured blogging event setting. Our first meetup was at Main Beach in Laguna. Tee was awesome enough to get PBS Kids to sponsor us and donate swag bags for each of the kids in attendance. Inside each bag was a plethora of really awesome PBS Kids Summer Reading program materials, including books.
I seriously love PBS Kids, I would befriend Martha of Martha Speaks if I could, I would snuggle George of Curious George and I would totally hang out with the kids of Super Why on a daily basis.
PBS Kids and PBS Parents have put together a really neat summer reading program that is education AND fun. Check it out at PBS Parents Raise A Reader.
Of course we took a pic of most of the kids with their swag bags. We are mom bloggers after all.
What books are in the bags?!
A bunch of easy reading types with PBS Kids characters.