I’m sharing #Luvs in my life as part of a LUVs sponsored series for Socialstars™
Some of the trickiest parts of life are ones we don’t often discuss publicly, like finances. With four kids, my husband and I have to make smart financial parenting decisions that benefit the entire family. With a good financial plan we’re able to create financial stability and a nest egg for future plans like braces, college education and retirement. But don’t let me fool you, it is tough. Having realistic expectations are definitely a part of our financial plan. So is planning for unexpected expenses. I do my part by participating in smart shopping to save money whenever possible to help achieve our financial plan. Because the more money I am able to save, the more money we’ll have for unexpected expenses. Luvs diapers are a definite smart buy, they provide the leak-protection required without all the fuss and money.
Unexpected Expenses Are Part Of The Plan
Having a good financial plan has to include unexpected expenses. Life is full of unexpected expenses isn’t it? Just when things are OK, out goes the air conditioner or the car needs works. During a recent dentist visit we came to find out that our 9 year old son is in dire need of braces and spacers and with that comes…you guest it: unexpected expenses. Thankfully, I am able to save money by using Luvs diapers. Saving money where we can makes the sting of unexpected expenses less painful.
A Good Plan
As I mentioned I save money everywhere I can. We love Luvs diapers and that’s an easy way to save money. Thankfully, there are lots of ways to save money easily. One of our biggest expenses is groceries and personal items. I have learned to save money easily by shopping grocery store sales and purchasing produce that is in season. And coupons! Coupons are a great money saver on everyday personal items like shampoo, conditioner and toothpaste!
Saving…For The Future
As a mom I have one singular goal: to raise healthy, happy kids that turn into healthy, happy and successful adults. I want my kids to attend colleges that align with their chosen fields. In order to help them achieve their dreams I will save every penny and dollar to help relieve the financial burden colleges can have. Not to mention that I would like my husband and I to retire one day. I have big dreams of travelling to far off tropical islands when our kids are grown and we have saved our retirement nest egg. How do we save money with four kids? Slowly of course. And with the help of Luvs diapers too.
Luvs Diapers For The Savings
LUVs is a great diaper at a great value. It’s that simple! Why spend more money when you don’t have to? My daughter loves the monkey on the back of her Luvs diapers. Check out Luvs on Pinterest for pinworthy ideas!
LUVS are the best! We tried all types and brands. No other held up as well and were as kind to my little guy’s bottom line as LUVS. Now my granddaughter wears LUVS. Nice to know her tush is well protected too. We trust LUVS.