So, this being the 3rd kid and all he doesn’t get nearly as many pictures taken of him as his brother and sister did. Pretty typical I hear of subsequent children but that doesn’t absolve the guilt I feel. So I set him up, got him smiling and tried to take some pictures of his cute little self:
He got tired of sitting up so I laid him down for some more pictures:
And then I heard “Mommee, Mommeeee, CHEEEEEESE” and I turned to see the 2-year-old smiling at me. Apparently wanting her picture taken. Ok sure I said (like I don’t have 10,000 of her already):
So then I go back to trying to snap a few more of the baby. Since I have practically none of him:
And then I heard: “Mom!” and I turn to see my 5 1/2 year-old smiling at me. Of course he wants his picture taken. He can’t not have something his little sister had, that would be injustice of the worst kind. So sure, I’ll indulge your hamminess:
And that’s when it finally dawned on me exactly why I have no pictures of the baby. The older kids are picture hogs!
Kim Tracy Prince says
OMG. The baby is following in their footsteps. He is ADORABLE.
Celeste says
Too funny! I can totally relate!
Nancy says
Eva Smith says
Just adorable! You can never have enough photos of your kids.