Funny Mom contributor Judith had the opportunity to attend a special Paddington 2 press conference a few weeks ago, all opinions are our own. It sounds like she and her 3 gorgeous girls had an amazing time! Read all about it!
“Be Kind, Be Polite and the World will be Alright”
When we found out we were going to have the opportunity to see Paddington 2 we immediately crowded together as a family on the couch to rewatch the first movie. We were reminded of how cute and sweet Paddington was, and my two youngest couldn’t wait to see the sequel, my oldest however was a bit skeptical. We adored the first one, but sequels rarely uphold the same standard. But Paddington 2 is absolutely an exception to Sequel Syndrome. It is engaging and heart-warming and in our opinion even better than the first.

Judith and her girls with the Hughs! credit: Kelly Clare Photography
A Marmalade Sandwich Above The Rest
The plot was interesting and fun. The characters were sweet and endearing, we met a quite a handful of new to love, and we got to see our favorites from the last movie grow up and how they have changed for the better with Paddington 2, well all but one (looking at you Mr. Curry). Most importantly, the thing that really brought this movie a marmalade sandwich above the rest was the message Paddington 2 displayed: “Be Kind and Be Polite and the World will be Alright.” Paddington says this so many times throughout the movie, but it isn’t just stated in the movie, it’s also shown, not just in the way it ends, but in every action and reaction that Paddington’s presence sets off. Paddington retains his kindness and manners in every situation he is in. A lesson that everyone should learn. No matter what, his genuine friendliness affects the people around him. I don’t want to spoil the plot so I’ll stop my raving there. But we loved Paddington 2. It is a genuine, sweet, heart-warming movie and the love put into the story can be felt by everyone who watches it for themselves.

Kelly Clare Photography

Kelly Clare Photography
The Most Charming Afternoon
After the movie The London West Hollywood Hotel hosted us for the most charming tea we have ever had. We got to meet and take photos with an adorable Paddington. The girls got a goodie bag with Paddington books and a stuffed Paddington that they have not let go of since the tea, it was cute watching them holding the bears all the way home. During the tea we got to decorate Paddington cookies with Jenny’s Cookies from Seattle. The girls think they are too cute to eat. And at the end of the tea we got to meet with the wonderful Mr. Brown played by Hugh Bonneville and flamboyant Phoenix Buchanan played by Hugh Grant, who were both utterly charming and very sweet with all the kids. Thank you so much to Warner Brothers and The London West for such an amazing experience. Now go out and see Paddington 2!