Today’s Wordless Wednesday linkup theme is “Run. Jumped. Flipped.” this post is none of those things. This post is “At Least I Participated Today” with a combination of “Yes, I Really Am Crazy”.
Unlike any other baby I’ve had before (hello this is my 4th!) I have been nesting like a crack phene with this one. I have cleaned out every closet, every cupboard and every drawer. I have finally gotten around to decorating my youngest son’s bedroom. I have almost literally replaced my entire kitchen. I have purchased too many expensive things. And all I want is more…more…more. Thankfully my freelance career is pretty steady and I have been able to keep up with my “let buy new EVERYTHING!” demand.
I’ve been doing most of the “nesting” shopping online because it’s easier than hauling my big pregnant self around with 2 rowdy little kids to stores. I had been looking for a baseball lamp for my oldest son’s room and I couldn’t find anything that didn’t cost at least $100. Knowing that he’ll outgrow a baseball lamp within just a few short years, I wasn’t willing to spend that much. So I googled “baseball lamp shade” and came across a multitude of how to: paint your own articles. So I bought a white lamp shade from Walmart for $7.97 and painted my own. I think it came out pretty fantastic.
It was right about here that I was wondering why I hadn’t thought of using a paint pen instead of hand painting the stitches. I think I was lucky they came out semi-straight.
And the end result:
And now of course I’m like “what else can I paint?!”
I had to google crack phene.
I had to google how to correctly spell phene.