Based on an incredible true story, McFarland USA follows the lives of 7 young boys and one incredible coach as they triumph over the odds and win cross country titles not only for themselves and their tightly knit cross country team but for their parents and their small town of McFarland as well. Set in rural and economically challenged city of McFarland in the late 1980’s, McFarland USA is a film about heart, community, strength, courage, optimism, loyalty, family and above all defeating all the odds to prove that champions can come from anywhere.
The story of McFarland, USA began when new McFarland High School Coach Jim White took an unlikely group of McFarland High School students and turned them into a champion cross-country running team. The theme of McFarland USA is the power of family relationships, unwavering commitment to one another and their incredible work ethic. Fighting the odds with unwavering grit and determination, the young boys learn to overcome obstacles and face tough competition even while wearing crappy running shoes. Along the way, Coach White realizes that his family finally found a place to call home and both he and his team achieve their own kind of American dream. The very end of the film
I attended a McFarland USA movie review screening with my 8 year old son and I also attended the McFarland USA global press conference in Hollywood, I have to say that I not only like this film, I love it. McFarland USA is as funny as is it heartwarming and represents the small community of McFarland and blue-collar, hard working, pioneer spirit of America well. McFarland USA is a family friendly movie that everyone will enjoy.
McFarland USA premieres in theaters nationwide on February 20th 2015.
McFarland USA Fun Fact:
Coach Jim White is retired now, but if you go to McFarland, chances are you will see him out there on his bike, keeping up with the kids every evening with a lot of his original team running alongside as well. White retired in 2002 after teaching in McFarland schools for 40 years and coaching for 25 years.