I spend my life waiting for you while you smoke.
You go outside, you sit by yourself and you slowly kill yourself with every inhale.
My kids watch you. They see you smoking. They say “Daddy’s having a boo-boo”.
I’ve asked you to quit. I’ve given you ultimatums. Yet, you still smoke.
We spend our lives waiting for you. We spend our lives giving you cigarette breaks. You seem to take cigarette breaks at the most important and inappropriate times; while dinner’s boiling over, while the kids are screaming, while the door bell is ringing…
You say you want to quit, you even tried once. You failed. You still smoke.
I hate your smoking. I hate you for smoking. I hate that my kids watch you smoke. I hate that they call it “boo-boo’s”. I hate that you always smell of cigarette smoke.
I resent you for smoking. I resent you for spending all that money on something that is slowly killing you. I resent your smoke laden breath and your stench-y clothes.
There was a time when we had no money, yet you still purchased cigarettes. There was a time when I couldn’t go grocery shopping because we didn’t have the money, yet you still purchased cigarettes. I hate that. And I hate that you smoke. I think you are selfish, I think you are mean. I think you don’t love us, your family, who loves you so much. I think you’re slowly killing yourself. And I think you’re going to be sorry.
We spend our lives waiting for you to smoke.
Hugs!! I wish I had some advice. I feel like smoking is extremely hard for men especially to quit. I used to smoke and I had to wean myself slowly. I hope your words can help give your husband the strength to quit!
This is a tough one. I think at this point, it doesn’t matter how many facts you throw at him, he’s going to do it. I think he needs to have one of those “moments” when it suddenly clicks and he stops doing it. I’m sorry you’re in this predicament and I hope that you guys will work through it. It’s a toughie.
I would be pregnant 20 more times before I ever tried to quit smoking again. It has been almost 20 years since I quit (I smoked 3 packs a day for almost just as long). It is a decision I had to make based on personal issues within my life.
I hope one day he never faces those same issues and quits before it comes to it.