It seems my life has been full of very distinctive Eureka! moments lately. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m rounding the newborn zombie suck corner, or perhaps I’m just becoming a wiser more well rounded adult (stop laughing), regardless I’ve had these great epiphanies lately.
Just last week I realized that men really are from Mars.
My husband has never lacked on the compliments on my appearance. And truthfully, just between me and you thousands (stop laughing), I’ve always hated it. Cringed actually. I’m not self conscious and I don’t have a big ego, but I’m not ugly; I’m just comfortable with myself. That, and I don’t put a whole lot into physical appearance anyway. I mean, I rock these mom jeans hard.
One night I had had enough of the physical appearance compliments. No more calling me hot while I’m a sweaty, nasty, stinky mess. I couldn’t take it anymore. It felt like such a lie.
So I snapped.
My husband was living on Mars and was quite literally dumbfounded. He thought he was being nice and doing what husbands were supposed to do-compliment their wives and make them feel good about themselves. Little did he know, that was not the kind of compliments I needed. I don’t need to hear that I’m pretty. I got this. I need to hear that I’m a good mom, that my kids are good kids because of me. I need to hear that I’m smart and funny and fun to be around. I need to hear everything but that I’m pretty.
We turned a corner that day he and I.
But now I miss the “you look hot” compliments.
Go figure.
Now you know that anything is possible.