Dear Husband of mine,
I know you’re a busy guy. Working, going to fancy restaurant meetings, taking our oldest son to baseball practice, watching football and drinking beer. I realize that thinking of a really great Christmas gift for the love of your life is difficult. Challenging even. So let me make this easy for you.
Imagine that. You can watch the kids while I have a day…shoot, I’ll even take half a day to myself. Myself. Just me. By myself. With no chubby kids hands in my food. No cherub voices in my head. No baby poop on my hands. No yelling, no lecturing, no being mad.
Just happiness.
Just me.
In the mud. Getting a massage by a lovely person. Eating lunch by the pool.
I know.
Better yet, $100 gift cards to Glen Ivy Hot Springs are on sale for $75. That means it’s cheaper than normal honey. That means you can buy 2. Yes. Buy 2 of them. It’s ok, I won’t be mad at you this time for spending money. Because it’s on me this time and not you.
Here honey, log on to Glen Ivy Gift Card and buy. it. NOW.
Love always,
Funny how when you are a mom the thought of a day to yourself, especially while being pampered sounds like pure heaven and bliss!