I went through old photo’s this morning trying to find the perfect one for today’s Flash Back Friday when I came across this one. This was a big day in my life – this was the day I graduation with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. I was a really good college student; the type that always sat in the front and answered all the teachers questions. In the Fall of 2006 I was a research assistant in a psychology professors lab, preparing for graduation school applications and trying to decide just what kind of psychologist I wanted to become (I decided on gender studies research) when I got surprising news that a baby was soon on the way. It was suggested that I quit school, being as I was now a mom. I stood my ground and stayed firm to what I had started. I knew that even if I didn’t do anything with my bachelors degree, having it made me feel like I set a good example to my son and my other future children.
I finished the semester very pregnant with days left to spare, had my first son and took one semester of school off before going back to finish my degree with online classes. I finished my bachelor requirements with the help of my mom and my husband and day care. On graduation day, I graduated with honors as my son watched his mom graduate from the audience.
I stopped hanging my diploma on the wall when my 2-year-old was born and occupied my office. Now I am determined to pull it out, dust it off and hang it again. If for no one else but myself.
Hanging it for yourself IS the most important person to hang it for !!
Love this!