Today’s “Confessions Friday” comes from my #1 blogger Gal Pal, my partner in crime in which we will conquer the world…one daytrip at a time. The one, the only: Aracely Worley from DayTrippingMom.
I have a little secret that I don’t really like to talk about, but since Desiree invited me to share something on her “Confessions Friday” series, I think it will be the perfect opportunity to get it off my chest.
I am obsessed with reality television
I like quality programming. I watch PBS, Law and Order and 60 minutes. I enjoy it, but not the way I enjoy reality television. Why do I love it?
It’s trashy, goes for the lowest common denominator and I can’t seem to get enough of it.
I have a problem. I admit it. I’m addicted to crap television, in particular the Real Housewives Franchise on Bravo. I watch every single city spin off of the franchise (Yes, including the somewhat dull Miami) and you can say that I am obsessed. So obsessed, in fact, that my almost seven-year-old daughter knows the name of every housewife of Orange County and happens to have a favorite housewife: Vicky.
How bad is my obsession? I watch every episode. I re watch the episodes the next day after the original episode has aired. I can’t go to bed at night without heading to or and pretty much reading every post and comment that has to anything remotely to do with the housewives. When I say I can’t go to sleep without reading my boards, I mean I literally and physically cannot go to sleep without getting some form of Real Housewives kick.
It is a full-blown addiction.
Truth be told my life and my friend’s lives are a stark contrast from the shows. Like so stark, it’s black and white.
My friends? Are smart, do amazing things and try to make the world an amazing place.
The housewives? Um, not so much.
Their lives revolve around petty drama and making mountains out of molehills…and yet, I still watch.
I like to excuse my television habits and like to think of my Real Housewife addiction as a modern day version of a soap opera or a telenovela. It’s a little escapism in the very busy life that I live
and who can blame a gal for wanting a little escapism right?
“Confessions Friday” is a series that is all about getting that nagging guilt off your chest whether it be a doosey or something small for the purpose of relating to one another without judgement or criticism. We’re all moms and for Cheese sake we’re not perfect.
If you would like to confess something (and I mean who doesn’t?) Email me at:
Well, I don’t have the comprehensive addiction you describe, but I can appreciate how reality TV really gets under your skin. How does that happen? I don’t watch much TV, but I can confess to having seen Dance Moms, Chopped, Top Chef and more.
Oh…guilty pleasures.
I love them too! Big Brother was my favorite..lame..I know!
At least non of you watched, “How to Become A Hilton.” Oh yes, I went there.
I watch the RHOBH for that same reason- escapism. I can’t handle the stupid drama most of them cause, but the housewives, with their stupid fights, are also showing their support (especially this season)
I wish I had Adrienne’s show collection and Brandi’s body. 😉
This is a secret of mine, too!!! I hate to admit it, but my favorite most loyally watched shows are all reality shows. It is pathetic.
Some reality shows are quality. Don’t beat yourself up, as long as you aren’t hurting anyone or it’s not causing you to neglect important things and people….Eh, who cares?
My favs are American Idol, America’s Got Talent, DWTS, SYTYCD : )
I think we all have a little of bit of Reality TV addiction in us. That’s why they’re continuing to come out. I’m a huge fan of the travel shows, the cooking shows like Top Chef and Hell’s Kitchen from Project Runway to Cake Boss 😉 Again, getting into how people can truly be so creative.