If I’ve said it here once, I’ve said it a thousand times. There is nothing my exhausted mom heart loves more than toys and activities that occupy my children’s (ever so short) attention spans for longer than 5 minutes. This momma needs a break! And that break is made much more delightful by open-ended toys that provide hours of entertainment to my children. This is a boneless skaters toy review sponsored post, all opinions are our own.

The Open-ended Toy Debate
I am with you when I recognize how very stressful parenting is. We are in an almost constant battle of the versus. Breastfeed vs bottle feed (fed is best!), swaddle vs don’t swaddle, cry to sleep vs hold to sleep, homeschool vs conventional school, homemade lunch vs school lunch and etc etc etc. There are opinions on how to raise substantial people from the moment we become pregnant. However, allow me to lay to rest the open-ended toy debate. Open-ended toys are those with allow the child to let their imaginations wander. They are the toys with so many play opportunities that a new way of playing with them each time is possible. However, open-ended toys with no structure such as blocks, legos and crayons are great, however my kids (and so many other kids we know) need a tad more instruction than that. That’s why lego building step-by-step instructions and coloring books were invented (in my humble opinion anyway). And that is exactly why toys like Boneless are so awesome! The toys in the Boneless group are up with todays trends and offer mini, electric-powered skateboards with hyper-poseable skaters and crazy stunt playsets. With toys like Boneless my kids are able to use their endless imaginations in a skate park atmosphere. And it’s just awesome!

Boneless Skaters
The Boneless skaters have the ability to twist and bend….just as if they were boneless. My kids love putting the poor figurines in the weirdest positions for their skating tricks. Each of the (sold separately) Boneless skaters come with a removable collectible deck and power charger. My kids love controlling the skateboard direction and how quickly the board takes to charge. Available at Target and www.SkateBoneless.com
Big Air Mega Ramp
This super fun 3-foot-long quarter pipe ramp has a drop-in platform for maximum drop-in speed and
3 adjustable ramp settings which are perfect for your kids for flips, long jumps or short jumps. My daughter LOVED being able to customize the ramp with the provided graffiti stickers. I swear they had more fun putting it all together and decorating it with stickers than anything I’ve seen all summer! They have the most fun seeing who can jump the furthest or highest, it’s so funny.
Super Street Sk8prk
Even the very name of this toy should prove how up to date and cool it is. It’s super easy to assemble in several rad configurations. My kids have had fun trying all kinds! The opportunity for endless play is crazy, my kids have so so so much fun doing tricks all around the sk8prk. As a matter of fact, we would love to see your own crazy Boneless trick videos too! Try uploading your videos and picks on Insta or FB and hashtag them with #Boneless and #StickTheTrick so we can find and see them! Another option: you can email your cool tricks to: bonelessskateboarders@gmail.com. I can’t wait to see what your kids come up with!!