Getting your kids off the couch and away from the television, computer or games console isn’t always an easy task. With those long summer months ahead however, it might not be too difficult for them to ditch the gadgets and go for some outdoors fun instead.
Here are five outdoor activities that the kids will totally enjoy, I know the Funny Kids would!
A Day Out
Spending the day in the sunshine at a beach or park is one of those low-cost outdoor options that’s perfect in the summer especially if you live on a coastal state. A picnic, Frisbee and football are all that’s required to keep the kids happy and entertained for hours. If you have local points of interest such as a castle or some ancient ruins then this will simply add to the fun; ask the kids where they would most like to explore – because when they get to choose the activity that makes it all the better!
Garden Inflatables
Inflatables are great fun for kids when it comes to outdoor toys, and there is a huge range of options to choose from at stores like Tesco. Prices have significantly reduced recently, and you have plenty of choices with options ranging from the traditional bouncy castle to an activity filled assault course. You can of course choose the always popular paddling pool, and throw in a few high-powered water guns for additional fun during those hot days. My boys love water guns and I know yours would too!
Treasure Hunts
Searching around the garden for little prizes is another fun activity that will definitely get the kids out of the house. Spend some time designing a treasure map with clues to where the toys or candy is hidden. This is a game that can include the inside and outside of the home. Smaller children will especially love this game, but make sure to provide age appropriate prizes for all who participate.
Outdoor painting
Set up a blanket in the garden, buy some large sketch pads and invest in some paints, colored pencils or crayons. Kids can then paint whatever they choose, and there’s always plenty of subject available in the garden, including the wildlife like squirrels or birds. The good news is the children can be as messy as they like and the paint won’t go all over the walls – less mess!
Back to nature
If you’re looking for something a little bit different, which will provide long-term rewards; get your children involved in some new, garden creations. This can be anything from building a small pond or hanging bird feeders on branches and hedges, to planting some vegetables. You’ll also be able to teach your children about the benefits of being eco-friendly, and this is an activity they can be enjoyed all year round. My Funny Kids and I are looking forward to growing our own vegetable garden this summer!
You can spend the summer break period enjoying all of these activities with your kids. Try something new every week to get your children away from the gadgets, out of the house, and into the fresh air!