Right before my daughter was born, we celebrated my oldest’s “half birthday” on the 4th of July. Back then, when I had just one child we celebrated half birthdays. His birthday is just a week after Christmas and celebrating again in July was my way of spreading the fun throughout the year. Now that he has 10,000 siblings with birthdays in March, May and August we no longer celebrate is “half birthday” (although I do tell him that the fireworks on the 4th of July are just for him).
For my son’s 3 1/2 birthday I gave him a camera. He took tons of pictures with it until the memory was full and we lost the USB cord. I have an entire album of just his pictures on facebook. Among the pictures like this one of his feet and the dog’s ball are pictures of grass, me, his dad, the dog, himself (of course), his room, his books, the fence outside and the walls. His 3 year old perspective was interesting back then, but it’s downright fascinating now. I should do this project again and see what he would take pictures of.
How fun to look back at the pics he took ! I I loved when he laid down on the ground and took a pic of the clouds above him ! And I agree it’d be fun to see the world through his eyes again now that he’s older.